Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 1

This is a blog to document possibly my last real summer.
Today is day one of my summer blogging adventure. 

As most of the people I entered college with graduated today,
I simply worked. The clouds were looming all morning,
then the skies opened and a torrential down pour ensued.
A midst the storming, I tried to sell my collection of textbooks to Half Price.
Huge fail. They offered $9 for the whole loot.
I graciously declined.

I mean, it's not the most exciting of ways to start out the summer...
but there were some definitely low key parts of today that I needed
as I am coming down from a seriously stressful semester.
The last picture is after all of the messy weather of the day.
Just another sign of the theme of this semester,
God continually restores brokenness, even when the end is unforeseeable.

On to day two. :]

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