Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 101

Well, this is it.


It's been fun, and draining, and I'm completely sick right now..

but it was a great season. 
Lessons learned, and now I'm ready for the next adventure. :]

Moved back to Dallas,
met up with my fellers..
some of the best ones you'll ever find. :]
Joyous end to summer.

Farewell. <3

oh, and p.s.
meet me over at
fixing it up & what not,
but soon enough I'll be blogging again.

Days 93, 98, and 100

Wow. I am writing this on day 101.
I can't believe it's almost over.

Day 93.. Ashley's lingerie shower/ bachelorette party!

Day 98.. Big day.
One of my couple days off of the diet, so what did I do?
Mexican food with my family, creme brulee with my mom, and made cookies for the kids!

Day 100.. Ashley & Cody's wedding!
Paige was the maid of honor!

Now I'm off to pack my car & head to Dallas!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 91

Holy cow, it's almost over. 
JOYLAND .. where the fun is!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Days 78-80, 82, 84-86

Life got the better of me.. and I suck at updating. 
It's been  over two weeks. :[

Day 78 - Diet fun.

Day 79 - Wedding with the bro & Lauren
La Diosa with my girls.

Day 80 - Sunday pool time. <3

Day 82 - Science Spectrum!!

Day 84 - TTU Museum & Ranching Heritage Center.. <3

Day 85 - My only day off this summer.. bliss.

Day 86 - Photoshoot with Mallerina,
Coffee time with Mal &
Mal's movie premiere!!

Life has kind of taken a toll recently.
Hoping these last two weeks will be full of friends, fun, and laughter.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Days 69-70

Day 69.. Super hero day at work, Mal wrapped her movie!

Day 70.. Christmas in July.
Kids decorated counselors as Christmas trees.
Cocoa & S'mores.. heck yea.